
CESM The Atmosphere, Whole Atmosphere, and Chemistry-Climate Working Group Meeting 2021

Exploring natural aerosol formation from DMS oxidation and implications for aerosol forcing


AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Exploring natural aerosol formation from DMS oxidation and implications for aerosol forcing


CESM Land Model Working Group Meeting 2020

Impacts of Ammonia-Aerosol-Climate Feedbacks on Food Security and Air Quality


AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Modeling ammonia-aerosol-climate feedback mechanisms using an earth system model: Implications for future food security and air quality


CCMI Science Workshop 2019

Modeling and Assessing the Impacts of Sustainable Farming Practices on Food Security, Air Quality, and Public Health


Gordon Research Conference – Urbanization, Water and Food Security 2019

Co-benefits of Intercropping, as a Sustainable Farming Practice, for Safeguarding Food Supply and Air Quality


Invited Talk for Centre for Atmospheric Science Seminars

Modelling and Assessing the Impacts of Intercropping, as a Sustainable Farming Practice, on Food Security, Air Quality, and Public Health


7th Annual Composition-Climate Interaction Meeting

Estimation of agricultural ammonia emission under sustainable farming practices by improving terrestrial nitrogen cycle modeling


Global Young Scientists Summit 2019

Co-benefits of maize-soybean intercropping for securing air quality and global food supply


AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Improving the terrestrial N cycle modeling for a better estimation of agricultural ammonia emission under sustainable farming alternatives
