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Finding shadows in images using Python's scikit-image package

Finding shadows in images using Python’s scikit-image package Ever noticed how shadows can make photos look cool or kinda tricky for editing?

Improved notebook to download buildings from Microsoft

download building footprints from Microsoft

Regridding High-resolution Data

regridding geospatial data

Scaling a Subset of Input Data in NetCDF Format

scaling a subset of data in a .nc file

Regional Analysis Using R

R codes for matching gridded data with geographic information

Python & R on Cheyenne/Casper

A simple guide to set up Jupyter on NCAR's supercomputers Cheyenne and Casper to use R and Python

Python Basics for CESM

some basic examples in processing nc.files and plotting

Setting up Colorbar Colors Using R and ggplot2

This is an example to set up colors in the colorbars using ggplot2.

Displaying Special Symbols for Equations and Reactions

This is an example to show special characters and formats in ggplot2.

Bar Charts with Labels

This is an example to draw a informative bar chart using "geom_label" from "ggplot2".