Ka Ming FUNG
Ka Ming FUNG

Lead Data Scientist

About “Ka-ming” aka Victor

I am a Data Scientist studying the impacts of natural processes and human activities on air quality, food security, environmental health, and climate change, using advanced tools like process-based models (CESM, GEOS-Chem, DNDC) and machine learning.

I graduated with a Ph.D. from Prof. Amos Tai’s group at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2019. I then worked with Prof. Colette Heald’s group as a Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) until 2021. I am currently a Data Scientist at a management consulting firm.

I use my Cantonese name “Ka Ming Fung” for my academic publications, though I am also known as Victor.

  • Food Security & Sustainability
  • Atmosphere-biosphere Interactions
  • Environmental Health
  • Climate Change
  • Earth System Modeling
  • Ph.D. in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • M.Sc. in Mathematics

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Exploring natural aerosol formation from DMS oxidation and implications for aerosol forcing

and more…